Monday, April 29, 2013

Macroinvertebrate Study

Let's get ready for our trip to Barton Springs.

First click HERE to see what you will be doing on our trip Friday.

If you have never been to Barton Springs please click HERE to read about it.

After our workshop, we will be hiking the Barton Springs Greenbelt.  We will probably only get to the #4 on the trail map before we have to turn around...

Today's Activity:


Activity 1: 
Identify macroinvertebrates using the dichotomous key.
Each person should get 1 - 2 pictures of macroinvertebrates.
Click HERE to use the dichotomous key to identify the NAME YOUR ORGANISM.
Complete a Wanted Poster for the macroinvertebrate you picked.  (quickly - 5 minutes or less)

Activity 2:
Each person will present their macroinvertebrate poster!

Activity 3:
Find a partner and you will collect a fake samplings of organisms from the fake BMS pond (stream 1) and fake CCMS pond (stream 2).

Complete the Sample Record to find out if the water quality is POOR, FAIR, GOOD, or EXCELLENT depending on the types of organisms that live in the fake BMS  & CCMS ponds.

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